Gift of Follow Up Acupuncture
Private treatments include acupuncture along with an additional traditional modality based on your specific needs. Those modalities are included within the cost and may include cupping or guasha. Due to Covid-19, patients must bring their own clean cups to the session. All appointments include a head, neck, and shoulder acupressure treatment and qigong energy work unless contraindicated. Patients can expect to have one on one time with their practitioner for 30-40 minutes and following that, are encouraged to rest with needles in for another 40 minutes. Plan 90 minutes in total for your treatments from check in to check out unless you request an express treatment. Express treatments are not discounted. Rate is based on one on one time with your practitioner.
Private treatments include acupuncture along with an additional traditional modality based on your specific needs. Those modalities are included within the cost and may include cupping or guasha. Due to Covid-19, patients must bring their own clean cups to the session. All appointments include a head, neck, and shoulder acupressure treatment and qigong energy work unless contraindicated. Patients can expect to have one on one time with their practitioner for 30-40 minutes and following that, are encouraged to rest with needles in for another 40 minutes. Plan 90 minutes in total for your treatments from check in to check out unless you request an express treatment. Express treatments are not discounted. Rate is based on one on one time with your practitioner.
Private treatments include acupuncture along with an additional traditional modality based on your specific needs. Those modalities are included within the cost and may include cupping or guasha. Due to Covid-19, patients must bring their own clean cups to the session. All appointments include a head, neck, and shoulder acupressure treatment and qigong energy work unless contraindicated. Patients can expect to have one on one time with their practitioner for 30-40 minutes and following that, are encouraged to rest with needles in for another 40 minutes. Plan 90 minutes in total for your treatments from check in to check out unless you request an express treatment. Express treatments are not discounted. Rate is based on one on one time with your practitioner.